The legal rules about online gambling

Vietnam has a Decree stipulating conditions that allow Vietnamese people to meet certain conditions. However, it is for online casinos and online casinos do not have any regulations. Many people also have concerns with this problem when in fact Vietnamese people join the online betting community, online casino. 1. Vietnamese and conditions for playing casino in Vietnam In accordance with the Government's Decree No. 03/2017 / ND - CP on casino business in Vietnam, it has piloted to allow Vietnamese to play at open casinos in Vietnam. These casinos are live open casinos that do not include online forms. This document does not refer to online casino . Therefore, it can be said that until now the form of playing online casino has not been recognized in Vietnam. The pilot to allow Vietnamese to play in open casinos in Vietnam has been proposed for many years but it was not until the Decree 03/2017 was issued and this proposal came into effect. During the period of banning Vi...